Progetto redesign interfaccia sito web Galleria Uffizi

Web Design – UX Design – UI Design

Uffizi Gallery website redesign

Uffizi Gallery website redesign
UX Research e UI Design

Year: 2015

Client: University project at Politecnico di Milano - Design School - Interactive systems – Usability design course

Task: Redesign the Uffizi Gallery website to improve the user experience, making it easier for potential visitors to find the information they need.

Team: Yi Cui – Francesco D’Agostino – Ke Mu

Use analysis

Before redesigning the user interface, we researched which types of users use the website, how they w use it and what goals they have when using the site.

Use analysis personas sito web Galleria degli Uffizi
Analisi benchmark sito web Galleria Uffizi

Benchmark analysis

Once we developed 5 personas, we started analysing other galleries website looking for the key areas in which the Uffizi website could be improved.

Use analysis UX Design sito web Galleria Uffizi

User Journey & UI redesign

From the data we gathered we developed a User Journey Map and we designed the interface. While designing the interface we kept in mind the user's goals and the Uffizi Gallery brand trying to develop an UI both functional and consistent with the brand heritage.

Web Design sito web Galleria Uffizi